The Swimmers (2014)

AkaFak wai nai gai thoe
Info :
Release Date : 07 Agustus 2014 (Thailand)
Genre : Drama, Horror, GTH
Stars :  Chutavuth Pattarakampol, Supassra Thanachat, Thanapob Leeratanakajorn (Full Cast)
Rating IMDB : 6.3

Cerita  :
The mysterious about two swimmers, Perth (Chutavuth Pattarakampol) and Tan (Thanapob Leeratanakajorn) who's best enemy and true friend. They efforts race to quotas for university. Although Perth's trying to do but he can't beat Tan's talent. Including about secretly love between Perth and Tan's girlfriend, Ice (Supassra Thanachat) which she has feelings for him as well.
But then, Ice committed suicide with mystery in the pool. Perth's secrets were revealed because of something terrible. Including Tan's feud who wants revenge for his girlfriend.

    Selamat menonton. :-)

    Trailer dan Screenshoot :